Bringing Back the Balance

Since the TUMG program began in 1926, we have had countless stellar gymnasts on national teams and win both conference and NCAA titles. Over the years, Temple gymnasts would take part in clinics and gym camps to help provide a service as well as fundraise. As new gymnasts entered the TUMG team, a few gymnasts would graduate and enter the coaching world each year. Temple Gymnastics has always had a strong presence in the community. Many of the successful junior programs in Region 7 stem from the Temple Gymnastics family tree.

There seems to be no shortage of gymnastics clubs needing coaches to help build their teams. With fewer high-level men's collegiate programs, there will be fewer coaches to enter the work force. Fortunately, Temple has started to grow again and the plan is to bring back the balance.

Now that we are a self-funded team, we have to work for and raise all operating expenses. This is no simple feat because a typical modest budget can range from $50,000 - $100,000/year to run a team. Since starting the new school year, there has been some visible evidence of small successes and wins. Last weekend we provided three coaches for the Star Bound Gymnastics Clinic. Co-captain Nicolino DiBattista and freshman Orion Kelly joined Jesse Kitzen-Abelson at the one-day clinic. Forty boys attended and it was a fun and successful day. The hardest working boys won some new Temple pins and shirts! Thanks to the folks at Star Bound Gymnastics Academy for featuring us and donating to the program.
Coaches Jesse Kitzen-Abelson and Fred Turoff are working hard to build up the team and find major fundraisers. This is the beginning of bringing back the balance of coaches in the gymnastics community. More to come!